Bigs ideas from a little man

Francis SchaefferThough short in stature, Francis Schaeffer has been known worldwide for his big ideas and the L’Abri retreat center established along with his wife, Edith. Francis and Edith Schaeffer’s life and ministry were about communicating ideas, particularly ideas as they related to knowing God more fully and living in harmony with God. Hundreds of individuals passed through L’Abri in Switzerland and thousands have passed through other L’Abri locations around the globe.

Hundreds of audio recordings were made of various talks and lectures conducted by the Schaeffers and others who were friends of L’Abri and regular guests, such as Hans Rookmaaker. These recordings were shared informally with those who desired to extend their knowledge and later they were distributed more formally by cassette. More recently L’Abri has gone through the process of digitizing the recordings and providing them free-of-charge on their website. And, with their permission we have been allowed to post those recordings that relate to several of the Special Collections at Wheaton College like the Schaeffer and Rookmaaker collections. These recordings may be browsed in the Archives & Special Collections archival database.

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