A New Generation Coming On

Dr. Tom Sine is a journalist, theologian and Christian futurist who challenged Wheaton College in Edman Chapel on April 12, 1996 with a message entitled “A New Generation Coming On.” While on campus he also promoted his book Cease Fire: Searching for Sanity in America’s Culture Wars as highlighted in the Center for Applied Christian Ethics (CACE) newsletter, Discernment.

Sine and his wife, Christine, founded Mustard Seed Associates (MSA) as “a community of Jesus’ followers all over the world striving to create the future one mustard seed at a time. MSA provides resources and a network for committed followers of Jesus to anticipate the future, decode the culture, convey the Kingdom of God, and create new ways of being a difference and make a difference.” They are also adjunct professors at Fuller Theological Seminary. Some of Sine’s other books include Mustard Seed vs. McWorld (1999), Living on Purpose (2004) and The New Conspirators (2008). Correspondence from Sine and a June-July 1984 article about end times eschatology entitled “Bringing Down the Final Curtain” from Sojourners Magazine is also located in the Sojourners Records of the Wheaton College Archives & Special Collections.

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